Robert Thaler

Robert Thaler

Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Head of Division Active Mobility and Mobility Management


born 1958, Eisenstadt, Burgenland, Austria

Master of civil engineering/transport planning and transport economics and lecturer at the University of Technology Vienna


Leading role and engagement in EU and international negotiations, development and implementation of strategies, programs, declarations, guidelines and conferences in the field of transport, health and environment, e.g: Chairman (till 2021) and Vice Chair (since 2021) of the UNECE/WHO Transport Health Environment Pan European Programme THE PEP, leading the preparation of the 5th High-level Pan-European Ministerial Meeting on Transport, Health, Environment, Vienna, 2021 and for the adoption of the Vienna Ministerial Declaration and the first Pan-European Master Plan for Cycling Promotion; leading THE PEP Partnerships on Active Mobility, Sustainable Tourism Mobility and Child Youth-friendly Mobility, President of EU Platform on Mobility Management EPOMM, Member of Bureau of the European Environment Health Task Force and Chairman (2016-2017) preparing WHO Ministerial Conference Environment Health in Ostrava 2017 and the Ostrava Ministerial Declaration as well as WHO Children Health Action Plan 2004 and London Charter on Transport Health Environment 1999, OECD Guidelines for Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) 2001, UNECE Vienna Declaration Transport and Environment 1997

EU environmental legislation and programs, emissions of vehicles, fuel quality, biofuels, environmental noise and negotiations in Austrian EU Presidencies 1998, 2006 and 2018 e.g. CO2 emissions on cars, light duty vehicles and heavy duty vehicles as well as Graz Declaration of the Joint Informal EU Council on Transport and Environment

Responsibility for environmental legislation in transport on national level e.g: Federal Act on consumer information of CO2 emissions of passenger cars

Coordination and leading role in national environment programs and projects, e.g.:
Austrian klimaaktiv mobil advisory and financial support program on climate friendly mobility management for companies, fleet operators, cities, municipalities and regions, tourism, schools, youth groups, Masterplan Cycling, Masterplan Walking, Offensive for Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Funding, EcoDriving initative, E-Mobility Offensive, National Energy and Climate Strategy #mission2030, Austrian National Energy and Climate Plan

Public Administration Management Award 2006 and 2003 for mobility management
European Public Service Award EPSA Best Practice klimaaktiv mobil 2009 and 2011
Holder of Great Decoration of Honour of the Federal Republic of Austria 2010
Holder of Great Decoration of Honour of the Austrian Federal State Burgenland 2011
International Green Mobility Award 2019

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